Take Action: Revisiting and Refreshing Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets

On April 10th, 2024, Vancouver City Council will consider a motion from Councillor Pete Fry to “Revisit and Refresh Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets.” This is a broad Vision Zero-type motion that directs staff to look into and implement blanket 30 km/h speed limits in all residential areas in the city, physical infrastructure to improve road safety, and modal filtering and upgrades to local street bikeways.

Why Is It Important?

There are many exciting items in this motion that we have long advocated for. It is multi-pronged and calls for several different measures that are proven to increase safety, which have been adopted in cities that have achieved zero fatalities and serious injuries worldwide. Implementing these recommendations would make significant progress in moving the City of Vancouver towards achieving Vision Zero city-wide. If you would like to read more about the motion, you can check out the press release on our website.

Our Action Request: Urge Vancouver City Council to vote “yes” on the Revisiting and Refreshing Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets motion.

How Do I Contact Members of City Council?

  1. Sign up to speak to Council on April 10th: https://vancouver.ca/your-government/request-to-speak-at-meeting-form-2.aspx
  2. and select “Motion 3. Revisiting and Refreshing Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets”. More information about speaking to Council is included at the bottom of this email. You must sign up by 5 pm on April 9th.
  3. Email the Mayor and Council before April 9th at 5 pm if possible:
    Ken.Sim@vancouver.caCLRbligh@vancouver.caCLRboyle@vancouver.ca; CLRcarr@vancouver.caCLRdominato@vancouver.caCLRfry@vancouver.ca; CLRkirby-yung@vancouver.caCLRklassen@vancouver.ca; CLRmeiszner@vancouver.caCLRmontague@vancouver.ca; CLRzhou@vancouver.ca
  4. Alternatively, send them a quick note using the City’s form using this linkhttps://vancouver.ca/your-government/contact-council.aspx

What Should I Tell Them?

Whether you are speaking to Council or sending an email:

  1. Tell Your Story – Stand out by being you. If you have been affected by traffic violence or felt unsafe on the roads in your neighbourhood, tell them. 
  2. Say What You Want – Start by telling them to pass the Revisiting and Refreshing Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets motion. If there are other safety measures you support, tell them. If you are emailing, state it clearly in the subject line and first sentence. 
  3. Done is Better than Perfect – Don’t agonize over the perfect message. The power is in speaking or in sending an email.
  4. Be Polite – Be firm but be kind. Many politicians care as much as you do and your enthusiasm will motivate them and help them motivate others. Jerks are easy to ignore.

More Details About Speaking Before Council 

Here is a more detailed guide on how to speak before Council.

How to Prepare

  1. Prepare Your Message – Tell your story about why this is important to you. If you are comfortable speaking with notes, write out your notes. If a script is better, write a script and read it to them. It is best to start with a strong opener that says what you want such as “My family and I do not feel safe walking around our neighbourhood because of cars speeding by. We need Council to make our city safer.” Restate your request at the end of your speech.
  2. Practice – If you have time, practice in the mirror or before a friend or family member. Reciting your message will build your confidence and help you change any wording that’s difficult to say out loud.
  3. Questions – Council members can ask you questions. Resist the natural urge to respond immediately. Pause and think. Say what you really want to say or decline to answer. You may also simply state at the end of your speech that you do not wish to answer questions. 

Technical Details

While you can attend in person, most speakers call in. Below is information on how to call in.

  1. Register to Speak. Go here: https://vancouver.ca/your-government/request-to-speak-at-meeting-form-2.aspx. Check the agenda and make sure you are registering to speak on Motion 3. Revisiting and Refreshing Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets in Support! 
  2. You should receive an email confirmation with more information. This might include your speaker number, instructions for calling in, how many minutes you will have to speak, or etiquette to follow.
  3. Follow along during the meeting to watch for the relevant agenda item. Watch the meeting and keep track of when the motion comes up. If the motion is further down on the list, you may want to check in every so often to track progress and wait to call in. Sometimes councils can take a few hours up to a whole meeting just to discuss an agenda item. 
  4. When the motion is up, call in to speak. When the motion comes up, be prepared to call in. You’ll probably want to call in at least 3-5 speakers ahead of you. Once you’re connected, you’ll usually be able to hear the live meeting discussion on your phone, so remember to mute your computer audio if you have been watching along. Your phone line will remain muted until it is your turn, so listen carefully. Usually someone will say your name or say your speaker number, and then they’ll unmute you and it’s your turn! 
  5. Speak on the motion, and then answer any questions if you wish. It’s good practice to state your name. Councilors may have questions for you – and if they do – you’re not required to answer them. Once you’ve completed your turn, simply hang up.
  6. Follow the City of Vancouver. Follow the city clerk on twitter, and then turn on notifications for when they post. It’s a great way to keep up with what speaker number / issue they’re on. After the meeting is over, you can just turn off the notifications again.





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