Vancouver City Council Unanimously Supports 30 km/h in Residential Areas!

April 11, 2024

Vision Zero Vancouver congratulates Vancouver City Council on unanimously voting in favour of Green Councillor Pete Fry’s Motion “Revisit and Refresh Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets”. Safety is not partisan and Vancouverites can be proud that the motion was supported by all three parties: ABC Vancouver, the Vancouver Green Party and OneCity. In particular, kudos to long-time safe streets champion Pete Fry for working so hard on the Motion, and to Lisa Dominato, who made supportive amendments and highlighted the concerns she hears regularly about traffic violence. It is a cause for optimism: elected members of Council across parties, a broad range of citizens, public health organizations, and advocacy groups are getting things done together.

The Province Must Act

  • Safe Speeds Should be the Default – Municipalities have repeatedly requested to make it easier to have 30km/h speed limits. The Province has said “no” and their inaction is unacceptable. 30km/h should be the default speed limit in all residential areas, and anywhere else people in cars interact with people outside of cars. You can contact the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure (Rob Fleming) at to voice your support.
  • Funding. Funding. Funding. – The Province must provide funding to fast-track traffic calming infrastructure and extend the protected active transport network across the Province. 

We are Here to Help 

Vision Zero Vancouver was happy to work with Councillor Fry on development and momentum building for this Motion. We encourage other elected officials across the Lower Mainland to reach out if we can help with real solutions.

About: Vision Zero Vancouver is a volunteer citizen advocacy group working to end traffic crashes resulting in death and serious injury in the Lower Mainland. We advocate for traffic safety changes, with an emphasis on safe-street design, diverse transportation options, and the prioritization of human life.

Media Inquiries:

Twitter / X @VisionZeroYVR | Instagram @visionzeroyvr





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