Category: Advocacy

  • Vancouver City Council unanimously passes additional pedestrian safety measures

    Vancouver City Council unanimously passes additional pedestrian safety measures

    This past week saw some long awaited good news on active transport infrastructure in Vancouver. On 29 May Vancouver City Council unanimously voted to direct staff to identify and then allocate additional funds and capacity to accelerate the installation of pedestrian safety measures across the city, particularly around schools, community centres, and parks. They directed…

  • Vancouver City Council Unanimously Supports 30 km/h in Residential Areas!

    Vancouver City Council Unanimously Supports 30 km/h in Residential Areas!

    April 11, 2024 Vision Zero Vancouver congratulates Vancouver City Council on unanimously voting in favour of Green Councillor Pete Fry’s Motion “Revisit and Refresh Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets”. Safety is not partisan and Vancouverites can be proud that the motion was supported by all three parties: ABC Vancouver, the Vancouver Green Party and…

  • VZV made a case for safety for keeping Burnaby BRT route on Hastings Street

    VZV made a case for safety for keeping Burnaby BRT route on Hastings Street

    … reducing deaths and injuries won’t magically happen on its own. It will require a deviation from the deadly status quo. You’ll need to design people-first streets and prioritize transit over personal vehicles. Translink is planning a bus rapid transit (BRT) service connecting the North Shore to Metrotown. A proposed route change would divert the…

  • Vancouver Follows Victoria by Calling for More Intersection Safety Cameras but ABC Still Not Serious About Safety

    Vancouver Follows Victoria by Calling for More Intersection Safety Cameras but ABC Still Not Serious About Safety

    Today the City of Vancouver followed the lead of the City of Victoria by calling on the Province to expand its successful Intersection Safety Camera program, by passing the motion “Creating Safer Streets for People of All Ages with Intersection Safety Cameras.” Vision Zero Vancouver applauds the move and calls on the Province to swiftly…

  • VZV at Car Free Days 2023!

    VZV at Car Free Days 2023!

    What’s a good place to reach out to people and talk about street safety? On car-free streets of course! Vision Zero Vancouver had a booth at Car Free Days on Main Street and in the West End. From the hundreds of conversations we had, it’s clear that the public wants our politicians to take the…

  • Cornwall Ave. speed limit reduced after driver crashed into girl

    Cornwall Ave. speed limit reduced after driver crashed into girl

    27 people per year are killed or injured in car crashes on Cornwall Avenue, Vancouver, including last summer’s horrific crash that critically injured a five-year-old girl. Vision Zero Vancouver helped draft a city council motion to reduce the speed limit there to 30km/h. Although council adopted the motion, the new speed limit was changed to 40km/h after…

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